New Consumer Protection Act 2019 special features how it will benefit you.

Consumer Protection Act 2019.

Consumer Protection act's motive is only to protect the rights,and provide speedy relief to consumer. There are lot of product and companies in the market or any one who is doing fraud selling products only to make profits not for the customer satisfaction. That's why we have Consumer protection act 1986,and on 20 july 2020 there will be Consumer protection act 2020 there are many changes but it is replaced .

 Consumer protection act 1986 will replace in India by new Consumer Protection Act.2020. According to the news reports there were great demand for the amendments in this act,but govt had decided to change or replace full act now consumer will be king after this act.

 This act will come into power on 20 July 2020.Now we have Consumer protection act 1986.In this act we have also various power or rights for the consumer.But there is great demand for the special courts and electronic presence and for easy  process to file any case,under consumer protection act there was very long process and there were also some issues to file any case,now with new act it is too easy to comman people .

When Consumer Protection Act was passed.

This act passed by loksabha on 30 july 2019 and then passed by Rajya sabha on 3 Augest 2019,and the bill received assent by President on 9 Suggest 2019 after that on 20 july 2020 this act shall come into force. According to news this act is late due to coronavirus,but now it will come into force on 20 july 2020.

Features of New Consumer Protection Act 2020

According to this act consumer has right to file case for the Product Problem .It is same to the old Act.
-But main point is,that consumer can file his case from any where where he is residing.

- Consumer can also file against the E commerce Company .

- Consumer may also file case against the violation of this act and may ask to claim into any amount.

- Consumer may also file a case against the fraud advertisement and against the misleading advertisements.

- Now there is good news that consumer can also attend hearing of the case  by video conferencing .

Consumer Protection Act Jurisdiction 

According to the Consumer Protection act 1986 District authority can only take matter value of 6 lakh.
But After this new replaced Act 2020 District CDRC has Jurisdiction to take matter Value of 1 crore .

 This is big Difference,and if the amount is higher then 1 crore and less then 10 crore then consumer will move to State CDRC and after this there is another authority on  National level for more valuable matter .If it is more then 10 crore then consumer will move to the NATIONAL CDRC.

What is CDRC.

AFTER this act (Consumer Protection Act 2020) there is a establishment of CDRC (Consumer Dispute redressal Commission).
This commission  Shall work on three stage 
1.District Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

2.State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commision .

3.National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commision.

Now all product maker are bound to show there product full details there quality and quantity, And other information .
Now all e commerce companies are also provide by this act to full fill the losses of consumer by there product. 
And fraud or without verified advertisement can not run on any platform after this act.

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